The Distant Education Field has been in total disarray all these years, all over India, where what has been happening is IRRESPONSIBLE, DEPLORABLE & WHOLESOME EXPLOITATION of the dreams of millions of ordinary students who want to be something in life by attaining something higher under the STUPID & ILLUSIORY DISTANT EDUCATION SYSTEM PROVIDED BY ALL THE FLEECING DISTANT EDUCATION CENTRES & UNIVERSITIES!
I provide below a copy of the things posted in an ‘ORKUT’ community that students/people of India can have a fair idea of the things happening in ‘the Universal Distant Education Programmes’ happening in India!
Johnson 4/13/08
Thousands are deceived & tricked by 'the educational/education pimps'
that they lose money, quality education, time, effort and even their
future prospects or life due to these 'pimps' who are strongly and
dedicatedly backed by the education institutions and universities all over India!
These 'pimps' appear in the various shapes and forms of training centres of
universities, contact persons who are the representatives of the educational
institutions, contact centres of universities, distance education centres of universities
etc. These 'education pimps' are present in various forms in the Indian society, some
of them even in unrecognisable forms!
The common thread running through all these different forms of
'education pimps' of established and recognised universities and
educational institutions is that they 'by hook or by crook' get
your money by 'their well rehearsed and well practised pimping techniques'
and spoil your education, career, time and even life, with the all understanding -
sometime tacit- support of 'the well known universities & educational institutions'
without ever being caught in the serious criminal act of destroying thousands of
unassuming and unsuspecting persons' lives!
TO BE CONTINUED.........................!
"The PIMPS OF.............." Part - II ! 4/15/08
When it is education from regular educational institutions or colleges
or Universities, we all know without our knowledge that what we get
from the classes is nothing but the text book - that’s the maximum! -
explained in the limited and most of the times greatly outdated information
that will fetch us nowhere. But, we have all been surviving - at least
a large number of us - the gruelling examinations conducted by
'Our Great Educational Institutions', to our great surprise.
The reason is very simple - its these same out dated teachers who
teach us have been preparing all these out dated question papers
based on the out dated subjects we have been taught by these very
same out dated teachers and curricula! We live thinking what we learned
is 'the knowledge' which is to be learned without ever being in the knowledge
that whatever we have learned is out dated by at least a decade and
we have been taught by the basically out dated theories of "Old is Gold"
and "Ignorance is Bliss" etc, by the much out dated curricula & teachers!
In these regular educational institutions teaching is done by
the whims and fancies of half baked teachers who never ever
even think about 'Quality', 'Responsibility', 'Integrity', 'Future of
Their Students', 'Dedication', 'Vision' etc. and do whatever
they have been doing like machines, drawing good salaries
when one month turns to the other, never bothered of whether
they 'Teach' in the real sense or not! They teach what 'they think'
is knowledge, never coming to the fact that the knowledge
they think they are teaching 'Was Knowledge' at least a decade back,
when they were students; but unfortunately they too didn’t get
'the real knowledge or teaching' as what they got at that time
was what 'Was Knowledge' a decade before their time!
These regular colleges, educational institutions and Universities
have been conducting thousands of 'Outdated Exams' and publishing
'The Outdated Results', delaying the results most of the times to spoil
whatever chances their pupils have learning and writing these
outdated syllabus and exams! And the evaluation system of these
'Out dated Exams' is better left undescribed & evaluated, as in
thousands of cases it depends on sheer luck whether one's
answer sheets get the attention of the all powerful evaluator,
who is himself out dated at least by a decade!
Every year the 'Great News of Delayed Exams & Results'
comes as regular as monsoon rains and lashes at/on
every one's ear drums and sensitivity, to be forgotten
the very next moment! Its heard that more students
commit suicide around the exam time than the poor peasants
doing the same due to abject poverty; but one thing is common to
both of these cases; that is in both these cases 'The People In The Know'
or 'Powers That Be' forget or ignore the very existence of
these two things/tragedies/happenings and indulge in
the very interesting game of 'Buck Passing' in no time!
At least there should be some sort of games to while away time
and reduce tension for the higher ups!
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